Shall we treat all Americans as assholes just because Donald Trump is one?

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

The fact that Donald Trump is running for the most powerful office of the most powerful nation on earth that will place his fingers on the nuclear button is not just scary but almost comical. How a nation that takes pride in leading the free world can ever tolerate or entertain his infantile comments reflects maybe a change in the attitude of the American people.

Or maybe not. Americans are just proud of their lofty standards of free speech that even idiotic statements are tolerated such that those hurt by the statements be damned. American public reaction to Trump’s call for not allowing Muslims to enter USA because of the IS menace, has to be vigorously condemned and disowned by Americans, exactly because of their tolerance of free speech by idiots.

Let Trump have his say because of his right of free speech which Americans worship as a matter of course, but right-thinking Americans must also exercise their free speech to correct the impression that Americans too are idiots, lest others begin to think that Americans have lost the plot.

Trump is not that stupid to say something of poor import unless he was convinced by the many people around him that he will be saying the right thing for Americans. So we should accept the fact that there is a small proportion of bigoted Americans, but let the number not grow by the silence of other Americans.

There’s no point in dissecting his idiotic statements. Suffice to say that one understandably dislikes to be vicariously liable or negatively thought of because of the crazy acts of others, just because of some profiling factor. Just because Trump is an asshole, should we treat all Americans as assholes since Trump is American?

It is very un-American for Americans to react scared in the face of unbounded terrorism. That is exactly what the terrorists want to happen. And it is difficult to defend Americans when their reaction to it is bigotry. Many Americans really believe that the way to keep their country safe is to keep Muslims away. How dumb is that? Or is it just an expression of disguised hatred?

Now for the comical part. The front-runner from a major political party in USA wants to be President by gaining popularity through hating others. First, it was the Hispanics, then the Muslims, then God knows who. Pretty soon if ever Trump became President, he would be the first minority President of other Trump clones. How he hopes to become President by not being inclusive boggles the mind.

The Republican Party is embarrassed, but Trump might be its nominee for president, which is  much worse! Is Trump going to be another General Curtis LeMay, the vice-presidential candidate of the American Independent Party in the 1968 election who advocated his solution for the then ongoing Vietnam War – drop the Nuclear Bomb!

Like Gen. LeMay, President Donald J. Trump would solve all his problems with his fingers until every living thing is bombed off the earth. The rednecks would welcome that because they have no idea that the USA is geographically located on planet earth.
