DAP on a mission to ‘control’ other opposition parties, says Najib

Umno Assembly 2015

(The Rakyat Post) – DAP has made it very clear that it wants to “control” other opposition parties in the opposition coalition.

Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak said it was clear now with their intention to contest in eight Pas state seats in Selangor.

“They want to take over their seats in the next general election,” he said during his policy speech at the 69th Umno general assembly in PWTC here today.

Najib also said the DAP had severed ties with Pas and PKR in Sarawak merely to contest more seats in the upcoming state elections.

“This is the story of DAP that has never been faithful to its partners.”

The history and track record of DAP, he said, clearly indicated that they were not reliable.

“They formed the opposition (coalition) in 1990. They broke away from it in 1995, and rejoined in 1999.

“They broke from it again in 2004, and tried their hand at a coalition again in 2008 and 2013 with Pas and PKR.

“If this was a marriage, they have divorced three times, if tomorrow they break up with Pakatan Harapan, they will divorce again.”

Najib said Pas were their latest victims after they were kicked out of the coalition.

“It is clear that DAP has never been able to agree with their partners.

“They can’t even sort out their ties with their partners, how do they plan to govern this country?”

Additionally the Prime Minister also stated that a two-party system was not a suitable approach for this country.

“How can we do that? This is not a question of democracy but from Umno’s philosophy that upholds the Malay race and Islam, I ask the delegates, do they not know of its dangers?

“Umno must be careful and not make mistakes and get trapped.

“The reality is that the people have two choices, a coalition led by Umno or a coalition led by DAP.”

Should Umno be rejected, Najib warned that the country would be led by anti-Islam elements.

“We would be led by those who are anti-Islam and who rejects the Malay and Bumiputera struggle.

“Do not gamble the lives of your children and grandchildren as well as Islam away.”

