PAS has become the most sought after party


Karamjit Gill

In the most unlikely turn of events, Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) has become the goose that lays golden eggs in the present political climate of Malaysia. Since its induction, PAS has never been given the importance it is now receiving.

PKR’s deputy president Azmin Ali has rebuked Amanah and insisted that they will continue to coalesce with PAS. DAP’s aggression to sever PAS from the Opposition pack has once again fallen flat. On the other hand, Prime Minister Najib Razak has expressed excitement with positive gestures towards a PAS-UMNO relationship. PAS has suddenly become a MVP and which side they will trade-off eventually remains to be seen.

What is happening today is so bizarre considering the fact that not long ago both Pakatan and BN were distancing themselves from PAS when hudud implementation became an issue. What has PAS done to make themselves relevant again?

It comes as no surprise that UMNO intends to work hand-in-hand with PAS for the simple reason of ethnic dominance. However, what fails me is Azmin’s insistence to keep the relationship with PAS going. PAS has disappointed Pakatan on numerous occasions. They were never on the same page with Pakatan when it came to no confidence vote against Najib. Neither were they in support of rejecting BN’s Budget 2016. In fact, they have even indicated their intention of contesting against DAP in the upcoming general election.

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang has said that they are prepared to reshuffle their line-up and place non-Muslim candidates to contest against DAP in certain constituencies. While DAP remain unfazed, PKR and Azmin is definitely eliciting fear with their adamance on holding on to PAS. It makes me wonder if there is an internal scuffle between DAP and PKR that Azmin is reacting this way with regards to PAS.

The Opposition threw all it had to oust Najib, but they have failed miserably so far. Najib now instead seems to command the chessboard to break the Opposition apart. I hope I am wrong, but this seems like the scenario today. DAP’s iron man Lim Kit Siang seems rusted of late. Like a fledgling, he is all over the place calling truce with anyone who agrees to oppose Najib.

Pakatan went to war against BN with all their artillery. They went gung-ho as though they were in a rush to obtain something. While doing so, they forgot to build their defense. They are now straggling back to base to defend BN’s counter-attack. This ongoing uncertainty with PAS has been dragging on for a long time already. We all know how big a liability PAS is. Just leave them and move on. After just one term, their medieval mindset resulted in a defeat in Kedah and Terengganu. Majority of people have rejected them. What is so salient about them that PKR insist clinging on?

The clock is ticking. Time and tide waits no man. The longer the PAS issue is unresolved, the longer it is going to take to convince people that Pakatan is worthy of a government. It is either the Opposition reacts soon, or they will live to regret. There is a sense in rejuvenation within BN towards the war of GE14. If Pakatan does not change its ways, they risk being put to rest in peace.

