Tenth of December is the day Najib demolished his detractors


Yes, the Tenth of December is the day Najib demolished his detractors. It was actually game over some months ago. But the Tenth of December 2015 was the day that the winner was declared and the losers left the hall with their tail between their legs. And did not Raja Petra Kamarudin say this was going to happen? Well, as I am so fond of saying, did I not tell you so?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The Battle of Stalingrad was a six-month battle fought between the attacking Germans and the defending Russians. It was a major battle and the turning point for World War Two. Basically it was the beginning of the end for Adolf Hitler. And it was because of that the Invasion of Normandy was possible the following year. If not, today, you would be reading this article in German instead of English.

Just to digress a bit, he was the man who delighted in building monuments. He was the man who wanted a national car. He was the man who hated the Jews. He was the man who introduced bad economic policies and almost bankrupted his country and then blamed the Jews for the country’s economic problems. He was the man who accused his number two of sodomy and threw him in jail. He was the man who came to power on the back of nationalism and racism.

No, I am not talking about Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. I am talking about Hitler, although there does appear to be many parallels between the two.

Anyway, for six months Germany attacked Russia. But Stalin told his forces to retreat and to not engage. They retreated and embarked on a scorched-earth policy as the Germans advanced. Homes and wheat fields were burned to deny the Germans food and shelter. Then, when the Germans had used up all their ammo and had nothing more to throw at the Russians, Stalin turned his forces around and began to counterattack. And by December and due to the severe winter the Germans were on the run and the Russians chased the Germans all the way back to Berlin.

Hitler was eventually left with no option other than to commit suicide or else they would hang him from the highest tree and disembowel him and leave him to the birds as food.

Is that yet not another parallel? For six months Dr Mahathir and his forces attacked Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. But Najib did not counterattack. He just allowed the attacks until there was no longer any ammo to throw at him. And once they habis modal, Najib counterattacked and by December, which is now, he brought his attackers to their knees.

Many were puzzled as to why Najib allowed Dr Mahathir and his forces to attack him and not counterattack. They did not understand why Najib did not take action such as sack his attackers from the party. Yesterday, at the Umno general assembly, they eventually understood why. And the whispering in the aisles was that Najib pulled off a brilliant strategy that proved more effective and far successful than they had anticipated.

There must be someone very clever who is behind the scene advising Najib on what to do. Could this be the Boffin Boys we have heard so much about?

Najib’s detractors expected him to sack Muhyiddin Yassin and Shafie Apdal. They even expected him to sack Dr Mahathir. But Najib did not do that. Instead he made sure they attended the Umno general assembly. And yesterday, at the Umno general assembly, Najib destroyed his detractors.

Najib made Dr Mahathir sit in the VVIP seats as he tore his detractors to pieces. Najib made Dr Mahathir’s two key operatives, Muhyiddin and Shafie, sit on stage without allowing them to open their mouths. And Najib replied to everything they had said over the last one-year.

When Umno gave Najib a standing ovation only two people on stage did not stand up — Muhyiddin and Shafie. On the second standing ovation, Muhyiddin and Shafie had no choice but to also stand and join the applause. That is a fate worse than sacking from the party.

When the session ended Dr Mahathir immediately stood up and scurried out of the hall. He was in such a hurry that he even left his wife, Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Ali, behind. Maybe his mind was so muddled that he forgot he had brought his wife along.

Yes, the Tenth of December is the day Najib demolished his detractors. It was actually game over some months ago. But the Tenth of December 2015 was the day that the winner was declared and the losers left the hall with their tail between their legs. And did not Raja Petra Kamarudin say this was going to happen? Well, as I am so fond of saying, did I not tell you so?


A not too happy Dr Mahathir


All standing and only two sitting

