Sarawak Report has fighting spirit!


LSS Report

Perhaps disappointed that the UMNO Assembly did not proceed as per their plans and that PM Najib came out the clear winner, it looks like Clare Brown has gotten really desperate and published this “major exclusive  (her words)” Jho Low Is Confirmed As The Sole Shareholder Of Good Star.

To recap, Good Star inc is the company that Sarawak Report has alleged to belong to Jho Low and th company where USD700 million was deposited into it by 1MDB as part of their Joint-venture agreement with Saudi Arabia’s PetroSaudi.

I admire her unwillingness to give up and her fighting spirit but don’t you think the timing is suspicious? This story really sounds like an after-thought and really cannot accomplish much.

She should have published this before the UMNO assembly started rather than on a Sunday after the event. What else would make the UMNO delegates more angry than Najib allowing a fat Chinese boy colluding with a bunch of dodgy Pak Arabs to steal billions of Malaysia’s money?

Anyway, back to her story. She says that she now have proof that Good Star is owned by Jho Low but she does not explain the following:

* Why would Prince Turki, the governor of Saudi Arabia’s largest province and capital city Riyadh and 7th son of Saudi absolute monarch King Abdullah wants to pakat with a fat Malaysian Chinese boy to steal Malaysia’s money?

* How come PetroSaudi never complain that they were not paid as per the Joint-venture agreement and that money belonging to them was diverted to Jho Low but continued on with the joint-venture for 3 years?

* How come PetroSaudi itself has confirmed multiple times that Good Star Inc has always belonged to them?

* Why is it that 1MDB received back all the USD1.83 billion that it put into the JV and even made USD488m of profits with the remainder balance all guaranteed by the Abu Dhabi Govt?

* Why over the course of 5 years two of the largest international auditor firms and our own Auditor General could not detect any trace of missing billions?

So what proof did Sarawak Report say they have that Good Star belongs to Jho Low?

In their words, their proof is “documentation submitted to various international regulators..”!!

No word from her on who are these international regulators and why they would even bother giving her all these details.

In fact, this picture of her proof (or perhaps secara hiasan) is a company incorporation document with the name of the company blacked out.


