Maybe Pakatan Harapan should disband itself


Thomas Fann, The Malaysian Insider

It is that season of the year again when Umno is having its annual general assembly and we hear the usual racial rhetorics that is to be expected of a race-based party. But more and more, religion has been roped in to spice up the occasion and indeed the party (pun intended).

Also read: Blessing in disguise Pakatan Rakyat lost GE13, says Lim Kit Siang of DAP

At this year’s general assembly, the supreme leader of the party is even called “the Chosen One of Allah (sic)” by a delegate. Perhaps it is an attempt to elevate him to a status in keeping with the new sweeping power that would be coming to him through the National Security Council (NSC) Bill?

It is clear to all casual observers that the two cards left for the dominant party in the ruling coalition to play are race and religion and you can be sure they will play them to the max in the run-up to the 14th general election (GE14) with even so-called moderates in the party going racial and religious to win votes.

The Malay-Muslim population will constantly be told that their race and religion are being insulted and are under threat by the DAP/Chinese/Christian (any combination will do) and that only the “chosen one” and his party can save them.

As irrational and irresponsible as it is, the script for Barisan Nasional to win GE14 is simple: Islam and the Malay/Bumiputra race are under-threat and the enemy is DAP.

If the above is true, what should Pakatan Harapan do to counter their opponent’s insidious tactics if they are still harbouring hopes of capturing Putrajaya? May I suggest three rather brutal antidote to the toxic scheme of Umno.

Firstly, uphold the position of Islam as stated in the Federal Constitution but articulate clearly an alternative interpretation of it that is more inclusive, more just and more compassionate based on the maqasid shariah or the intent of the shariah.

My simple understanding of maqasid shariah is that Islamic laws in the Quran and the Hadith should be interpreted not just literally but by the original intent or spirit when it was written. The goals of maqasid is the preservation of faith, life, lineage, reason and property.

Recent scholars have suggested two more goals, the preservation of freedom and justice.  Such interpretations are not inconsistent with universal values held by all people, with or without faith.

Secondly, come out with an alternative to the pro-Malay/Bumiputra New Economic Policy (NEP) that stress on empowerment rather than entitlement and that truly helps the Malay/Bumiputra who are in need of help by placing a social cap on it. The rich Bumiputra do not need any help, just the majority who are still stuck at the bottom 40% of income-earners. I have addressed this in my previous article, Malays will still vote Umno in GE14.

Thirdly, and this is perhaps the bitterest part of the antidote, disband Pakatan Harapan.


