Wow OSTB Now Most Influential & Powerful Person In The Country !!


Why hasn’t anyone offered me any money yet? I am of retirement age. I don’t mind a nice pile of cash. I control Dr Mahathir, Muhyiddin plus the billionaire tycoons. That should be worth something.   

OutSyed the Box

Firstly I wouldn’t be writing this except that frequent commenter J. sent me an email and the information. Plus I was on the road to Damascus (actually to Oro-gemma) when the skies opened up and the gods spoke to me again.

Also I got an idea how to spin this and make it look stupid, which it really is.

It works like this folks. Have to do some India-rubber-man-stretching to get to the point (like the people who wrote the ‘imaginary pet unicorn’ stories). But we will get there.

About a week ago someone wrote that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed our PM for 22 years got all his ideas and advice from me about the current predicament involving that other Moron. I received plenty comments and smses from people.

It seems that even Tan Sri Muhyiddin listened to everything I said to him.

Well its no secret that both Tun Dr Mahathir and Tan Sri Muhyiddin meet and talk to a lot of people.

But it does give me a bit of a bengkak kepala that other people think I am such a great influence on a former PM and DPM. Not bad for a mamak with typing skills.

Well, the bengkak lasted until someone else told me that H@b*bullshit (another corrupted mamak – yo thambi one day we have to meet up) gives money to these people. The things people write for money. So it did let some air out of my bag. Bengkak pun hilang.

Then yesterday this thingy came out in Malaysiakini :

  • Police probe claim tycoons funded Dr M’s plot 
  • investigating claims prominent tycoons bankrolled plot
  • article says barons met with Dr M and Daim in London
  • contained serious allegations against prominent individuals
  • will look into it to determine how author obtained information
  • allegations damaging to VIPs, serious accusations of sabotaging
  • group met in London late last year, settled on RM2 b figure
  • to grease MPs, local media portals, bloggers, well-connected persons 
  • accused Mahathir and Daim of “buy over” 40 MPs at RM10 m per pax
  • interesting to know if 40 MPs remunerated, and how money was channelled
  • claimed Mahathir attacked ringgit with a slingshot

This is too stupid. It is filler to justify the payments. Most likely put together during the morning toilette.

Anyway lets get back to my India-rubber-man-stretch thingy folks.

Step 1. I control the minds of Tun Dr Mahathir and Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin. Fuiyyo. I am their chief advisor. That thought is so cool. Jangan main. Dont mess with me. I can control your mind. I can bend your thoughts according to my will. Roll over Rasputin, go get a haircut and a shave.


Be warned. Stare long enough into
this photo and I will control your mind.
Repeat this quickly 7 times : Owa-tana-sayyam

Step 2: Dr Mahathir controls all the billionaire tycoons in Malaysia, as per this latest expose in M’kini.

Step 3 : Ergo I must be controlling the billionaire tycoons in Malaysia as well, through Dr Mahathir and Tan Sri Muhyiddin. So there you are folks. I am the most influential person in Malaysia. Not too stretched either.

Read more here
