AG’s aide rubbishes SR’s latest expose


She says the blog has lied in implicating her in alleged foul play in the Morais murder probe

(Free Malaysia Today) – “A pack of lies” – that’s what Mabel Muttiah, a special assistant to the Attorney-General, says about a Sarawak Report article implicating her in alleged foul play in the investigation into the murder of deputy public prosecutor Kevin Morais.

The article, published on the whistleblower website yesterday, concerned alleged text messages Muttiah sent to Morais’ family members that it said were attempts to bully and bribe them into pushing for the late DPP’s body to be cremated before a second post-mortem could be performed.

“The report was a pack of lies,” Muttiah told FMT today. “There must be something wrong with these people. They could have called me and verified the information before publishing the story, but they didn’t.

“It’s a substandard way of reporting. They are just out to get anyone they can.”

She said she was considering lodging a police report and taking legal action against Sarawak Report.

“It puts my integrity into question and that is painful,” she said of the article. “It affects my image, my career, my family.”

She also said she was hoping that “something could be done” against Sarawak Report. “They can’t get away with tarnishing the reputation of whomever they please.”


