DAP should abandon PKR and work independently


Karamjit Gill, Malay Mail Online

The ongoing tug-of-war between BN and PKR with regards to partnering PAS is not auguring well. First we were made to believe that PAS was the bad one whose stubbornness broke Pakatan Rakyat. Then we were told PAS silently accepted the Trojan horse from Umno. We later witnessed PAS’s insistence on not agreeing to motions by the opposition that gave BN the last laugh.

Just as when news broke out that PAS is leaving the opposition to form a new relationship with Umno, champagne bottles were popped open. Finally, the biggest thorn in the opposition coalition was being removed. Even before we could enjoy our first sip of champagne, PKR’s Rafizi Ramli has dropped the atomic bomb by cautioning that severing ties with PAS would risk losing the upcoming general elections.

All this while we were made to believe that Umno is racist while PKR were the moderates. However, PKR is fighting with all their might to hold on to the most conservative political party in Malaysia, whose mindset is of the dinosaur era. Rafizi claims that racial politics are deeply ingrained in Umno. However, he recently defended his decision of working together with PAS to woo Malay voters to the opposition. Is PKR also playing the racial card to remain relevant in politics? Is Rafizi tomorrow going to say that stoning to death and amputation of hands should be allowed in Malaysia for Muslim offenders?

Higher office bearers of DAP should privately meet up and discuss if moving along with PKR is a good idea. With all the mess PAS has created, only a desperate person would still want to hold their hand. I personally feel that PKR is starting to look like a party in desperation. One should always remember that both Azmin Ali and Rafizi have got the BN gene in them. Hence, they can anytime turn malignant for the opposition coalition. Thanks to PKR’s immature antics, they have somewhat dented hopes for the upcoming Sarawak state elections. With the way Chief Minister Adenan Satem is moving, it is going to be a Himalayan task upsetting BN in Sarawak.

DAP has a host of progressive leaders that they do not need to depend on PKR or PAS. Parti Amanah is there to ensure that Malay votes are not all lost. It is better for DAP to make a decision fast and move forward. At the current pace, the opposition is taking one step forwards and two steps backwards. All of a sudden Lim Kit Siang has now said perhaps it was a blessing in disguise the opposition did not win GE13.

You convinced us to vote for you, but now you are saying luckily you did not win. How sure can we be to vote for you for GE14 after you have made such a statement? Presently, you are not ready to win GE14 as well. You are still holding on to the same bunch of people that you say are problematic. It is ridiculous that you engulf in a verbal spat with PAS, call them traitors, but still maintain an indirect partnership with them. Why can’t DAP just issue an ultimatum to PKR? It is either PKR works with PAS or splits with DAP. When I say ultimatum, I mean action too. Not just harshly making comments and then go into hiding like it has happened in the past.

I urge DAP to get their act together and make a decision. Even if they split with PKR, I see no harm because DAP is definitely the strongest opposition of them all. PKR is finished without DAP, and not the other way around. Please stop dilly-dallying with the coalition and be definitive in your action. Show us the reason why you will not be worse than the current government because currently, the opposition is way more messed up.
