Incorrigible sexist

Nicole Tan Lee Koon

From the latest report (READ HERE), looks like Sharul Nizam still does not understand the gravity of his actions. He went on to comment about women’s monthly period in another feeble attempt at sarcasm.

Language defines us. His innate sexism is manifested by the way he nonchalantly spew out sexist statements without any qualms whatsoever.

Multitudinous studies have shown the impact language has on our societal progress, confidence and status.

The words we use can positive or negative effect. Subconsciously, they can also influence our character or our politics. If we all chose our words more carefully, we could make a difference to the way women are treated, and reflected, in society.

A Google search on “sexist language effect” produces results for why the activity can create issues with confidence and mental health. Most importantly, it is a form of invisible violence.

Yet our negative collective language on gender remains unchallenged. That’s why I say it is time we say an emphatic “NO” to all forms of violence against women.

So let us show Sharul Nizam that general sarcasm is allowed but not sarcasm that falls under criminal intimidation and threat to rape.  Let us act against criminal sexist language by punishing the perpetrator. PDRM, please get cracking on this incorrigible sexist !

Nicole Tan Lee Koon

DAP Wanita National Executive (NEC) member Committee 

DAP Negeri Sembilan State Committee

