2016…a time for change


It is futile fighting hatred with hatred.

Angeline Lesslar

Several news articles in both traditional and social media caught my attention over the past week. One was about Muslims shielding Christians from militant attacks in Nairobi, Africa. The other was on a Christmas Party hosted by the Church of Divine Mercy in Glenmarie attended by over 200 people of all beliefs and religion. The group photo showed Malays, Chinese, Indians, Sikhs, Eurasians united in the celebration of Christmas. Then there was a testimony by a Muslim mother explaining why she has a Christmas tree in her house surrounded by gifts for family and friends.

In a multi racial and multi religious country like Malaysia we are blessed to have numerous occasions to celebrate. Whether cultural or religious there is so much joy if we all celebrate together and enjoy the richness in our diversity. This would indeed be a way forward. I believe that a person well grounded in his faith need not fear losing his faith by joining in the celebration of others. He will in fact appreciate his religion better the more he seeks to understand other religions.

These articles renewed hope in me that we can bring about a better tomorrow within our homes, community, nation and globally. All we need is change and that change begins with us. Instead of sowing seeds of hate, suspicion, mistrust and segregation let us sow seeds of love, respect, humility and unity. These are choices we have to personally make everyday. I firmly believe that despite the dark forces in our midst and enveloping the world good will always triumph over evil. It is futile fighting hatred with hatred.

Pope Francis, leader of the 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide, recently launched a Holy Year of Mercy from December 2015-November 2016. This special year is dedicated to countering all evil in the world through the grace and mercy of God. Everyone is encouraged to perform both spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Some spiritual works are like prayer, forgiveness, instructing the ignorant and comforting the afflicted. Corporal works include feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, giving drink to the thirsty and healing the sick. Love for God, neighbour and self would be the driving force behind our good deeds and actions. Not only will we consequently be better human beings but the goodwill and positive vibes generated will radiate and envelope the world and all the negativism within. We need to do our part for God to do his.

As we begin a new year soon let us firmly resolve to make this world a better place for us and the generations to come. Our legacy for the future.

May the Force be with you!
