Did PAS ask DAP to abandon its anti-Hudud stand?


And is PAS not still part of the Selangor state government together with DAP although they have divorced? So what are they doing still sleeping together in Selangor? Are PAS and DAP living in sin out of wedlock after their divorce?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

(Malay Mail Online) – PAS Syura Council chief Datuk Dr Mahfodz Mohamed said the council did not receive any official letter from Umno regarding working with PAS. “One of the reasons why we did not have a meeting to discuss this matter is because we did not receive any letter from Umno.”

When asked if the Syura Council will convene to make a decision if Umno sends an official letter to PAS, he said they will first study and discuss the matter. The mooted co-operation between Umno and PAS was a recurring theme during the recently-concluded Umno general assembly, after Najib extended an open invitation to PAS to collaborate based on Islamic principles.

Following Najib’s offer, PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang signalled that his party is open to working with any party as long as the collaboration was based on Islamic principles, even as he reiterated the Islamist party is currently in partnership with PKR in the opposition bench.

His deputy Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, however, said more bluntly that such a co-operation would require Umno to abandon its nationalistic foundations and embrace the Islamist party’s commitment to the Shariah.


The message we get from the above news item is that PAS will only agree to sit down with Umno if Umno officially discards its Malay nationalism platform and replaces it with an Islamic agenda.

First of all, if Umno does discard its Malay nationalism platform and replaces it with an Islamic agenda why would we need PAS? Malaysia does not need two Islamic parties — or three if you include Parti Amanah Negara (PAN). If Umno, PAS and PAN are all Islamic parties then who do the voters vote for? And would PAS and PAN not lose out to Umno in their contest to win the ‘Islamic vote’?

Barisan Nasional’s success is due to its diversity. And that was also why Pakatan Rakyat, before it became Pakatan Harapan, gained ground in 2008 and 2013. It was because you had different things for different cita rasa in both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat.

It is like a buffet. And Malaysians just love buffets, especially when you pay one price and can whack everything on the table. So whatever your cita rasa we have it. Just pick what you like and no need to touch what you don’t.

Secondly, if Umno transforms into an Islamic party then would it not be better if they just merge (since Umno and PAS would both be exactly the same) like what Parti Keadilan Nasional (PKN) and Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) did to become Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)?

Finally, when PAS ‘sat down’, or rather went to bed with DAP and PKR did PAS ask DAP and PKR to drop their respective agendas (whatever their agendas may be) and adopt an Islamic agenda?

In fact, DAP made it very clear that it is opposed to both the Islamic State and Hudud. DAP even announced that it agrees 95% with PAS and disagrees with just 5% (such as the Islamic State and Hudud). However, DAP was not going to allow the 5% disagreement to stand in the way of cooperation and will instead focus on the 95% areas of agreement.

And PAS endorsed this and also announced that it agrees with DAP (regarding the 95% agree and 5% disagree) and will go to bed with DAP knowing that the Islamic State and Hudud are never going to be common ground for both parties.

And is PAS not still part of the Selangor state government together with DAP although they have divorced? So what are they doing still sleeping together in Selangor? Are PAS and DAP living in sin out of wedlock after their divorce?

As much as I support PAS (or rather its President Abdul Hadi Awang who used to be my Tok Guru) I find that the party is talking a lot of nonsense and is highly inconsistent. When dealing with DAP they have one set of rules but when dealing with Umno it is another set of rules.

Does PAS not see that such contradictory and inconsistent statements only serve to hurt the party? If Umno wanted to be devious it could use these statements against PAS and hurt the party real bad.

Now, if I were in charge of Umno’s psy-war unit I would spin that PAS is prepared to deal with the kafir even when they openly oppose Islam while PAS refuses to deal with fellow Muslims in the interest of Muslim unity.

How would PAS explain that to the Muslim voters?

