Don’t spread false news, says Najib


(The Star) – Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has advised the public against spreading unverified information, as it could cause “a climate of fear.”

He said the recent arson attack near Taman Jaya LRT station earlier this week, which the public initially believed was caused by a bomb, should be taken as a lesson.

“I noticed there were many people spreading false news on a bomb attack in Petaling Jaya, which we now know that’s not what happened.

“This should be a lesson to everyone as they need to be more careful in spreading any information, especially when it’s from the social media and messaging applications,” he wrote in his blog, Saturday night.

Citing a Quranic verse, Najib said it was everyone’s responsibility ensure the authenticity of any news.

He said any unverified news can lead to slander, and this would eventually cause disunity and disharmony among the people.

“Spreading false news can cause a climate of fear and destroy the country’s reputation. It will have a huge implication, especially on our economy,” he said.

Najib said in today’s technological age, people could easily spread any information without verifying its source.

“Unfortunately, many are taking this matter lightly and choose to spread any kind of information they receive without checking it first.

“Let’s be more responsible in using the technology, and Malaysia will remain harmonious under the care of Allah,” he said.

On Monday, a man threw a bottle of petrol at his wife’s car and set it ablaze, and it damaged a few other cars parked nearby.

The explosions initially sparked rumours that a bomb had been set off and pictures of the fire went viral on Whatsapp.

