Give Najib a chance, says Johor Sultan


(Malay Mail Online) – Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak should get the same chance his predecessors were given to rectify any mistakes, said Johor Sultan Tuanku Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar.

He said although the prime minister has come under criticism, it was time that the nation “move on”, although he also stressed that there are still issues that the Najib administration must address and explain.

“I must say every prime minister has made his mistakes… I know the prime minister has come under much criticism but I say give him a chance.

“The year has come to an end, and we must move on… there are issues that still need to be tackled, that need to convince the people, that need answers, but I must say they also need closure,” the Sultan said in an interview with the Sunday Star.

He also dismissed claims that he was not in favour of Najib, saying that as the Johor Sultan, he does not favour anyone as it was his duty to stay out of politics.

Claims that the Johor royal house was unhappy with Putrajaya emerged after Najib dismissed his deputy, former Johor mentri besar Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, from the Cabinet in July.

The two fell out purportedly over the former’s handling of the 1 Malaysia Development Bhd.

The Johor ruler revealed that Muhyiddin did express his unhappiness when the two met following the latter’s dismissal, but said the meeting was not in anyway political.

“I listen and keep it to myself. I have also met up with the prime minister and avoid speaking to him about politics.

“Let the politician handle politics. I am above politics,” he said.
