Correcting a flaw in the Opposition front — DAP and political pragmatism


Addin Aiman, The Rakyat Post

THERE are just two years left till Malaysia goes for its 14th General Election. The people of Malaysia are still not rest assured over the possibility of a government transition.

To put and end to Umno’s hegemony over policy making in the country, the Opposition must step up the game. But how?

The answer is by being realistic and pragmatic. The Opposition must realise that they are players in the game of politics and that they are not in a Wonderland where dreams and desires can be easily accomplished.

In politics, you will not go far or survive without having the required balance between idealism and realism. In this case, you should not be too idealistic without being realistic.

Of late, the Opposition has been too idealistic to the extent of becoming delusional. The aforesaid is proven when it comes to the inclusivity and exclusivity of the political pact — the membership of Pakatan Harapan.

Members within the coalition, particularly DAP, believe that to allow for the progression and development of the coalition, PAS should not be on the same ship.

Although the idea of leaving a backward party may be justified and legitimate as nation-building is a priority not hudud, this idea is hugely flawed.

When deciding which political party is to be included or excluded, the coalition must understand the political dynamics of the country, specifically voters’ demographics.

DAP and its cohorts (PKR) must grasp that the majority of the population consists of the Malays. This is very important to understand as it is the Malays who have the control in shaping the political set-up of our nation, in this context through the ballot box.

They must realise that the Malay race and the religion of Islam are inter-married and can’t be separated.

Islam equals to Malay and vice versa. So logically speaking, PAS, which clearly is an Islamic party, must not be excluded from the pact. This explanation is a no-brainer.

It is very clear that DAP is a minority party in the political system and a party for minorities. It is only opined by the loud minority that the party is synonymous with the majority.

Moving on, even though the party’s ideology, socialism, is indeed compatible with the Malay culture and teachings of Islam, they are yet to counter the negative public perception towards them.

DAP must be skilful enough to play the game of perception and win it because in politics, perception is preferred and the truth is disregarded.

Efforts should be taken by them to erase the public’s opinion that they are a Chinese front.

The urbanites are aware that the DAP agenda hinges on the principles of meritocracy and technocracy.

But the rest of the population, namely the rural folk, are not interested in technical things.

They might not understand what is political and economical accountability and transparency or income inequality and all.

All they want to know is whether or not DAP is for the Malays and Islam.

