Yearly Archives


So what do they want 1MDB to do?

Salleh Said Keruak There are those who are not happy that 1MDB had borrowed billions to finance its investments. They want 1MDB’s debts to be paid and its exposure reduced. And that is exactly what…

‘We need PAS to win GE14’

(The Sun Daily) - A Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) youth leader said it would be next to impossible to win the 14th general election (GE14) without the support of PAS in the opposition coalition. PKR…

Dr M only says it now…

Just Read Of course I agree with what Dr Mahathir said - that no political party should rule forever, and we need a strong opposition for 'the check and balance. However, a popular party or…

Pakatan has failed?

Steven Sim, Malay Mail Online My dear friends, Forget which Pakatan for now. But let’s talk about the opposition and our coalition for all its worth. I always say that I see the world in…

End imminent for Pakatan Harapan?

(NST) - It cannot form a government because in the 40-seat assembly, it is two seats shy of a simple majority. And yet, the chief minister appears to not have learnt any lesson from the Pakatan…

It’s pot calling the kettle black

(The Star) - Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has been taken to task for blaming the previous Barisan Nasional state government for approving land reclamation when the present one had benefited from…