Yearly Archives


Has DAP thrown in the towel?

Implementation is key - you cannot govern just on insight and ideas Karamjit Gill, Free Malaysia Today DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang’s most recent revelation that Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak…

When skeletons won’t stay hidden

Muhyiddin and Mahathir's alleged sins may hinder their campaign to gain allies against Najib Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today It seems that Muhyiddin Yassin has at last stepped into his role as…

Show me the money

The only retributory consolation in this sorry state of affairs is that Mahathir lives to see how impossible he has made it for the people of this country to remove a corrupt regime Neal K,…

Why UMNO Edges into Irrelevance

For UMNO, this is the bottom line; if you want to be the generation that brings this grand old party down into irrelevance, then continue threatening those who disagree with you. Syed Saddiq…

Current trends in Malaysian society

Dr Chandra Muzaffar Current trends in Malaysian society do not generate much optimism about the future. Gleaned from the electoral landscape, there are two trends one should focus upon: one,…

Jakim – reform or disband

Jakim has not contributed anything worthwhile to the development of Islam in Malaysia. Their Facebook and Twitter accounts have no discussion at all on Islamic philosophy, but is rather about…

Skandal YaPEIM

Presiden & Timbalan Presiden Lembaga Pemegang Amanah YaPEIM serta keluarga (Wanita UMNO) pegang 26 jawatan bergaji, pendapatan keseluruhan RM154,700 sebulan. National Oversight &…

The Equality Conundrum

One can never pick and choose equality. If you terribly want to be equal, you have to accept everyone. Ron J. Backus "In Malaysia we have three major races which have practically nothing in…