Yearly Archives


Where is Tong Kooi Ong?

So the truth is now out. The AG, who is alleged to be a crony of the Prime Minister and who is alleged to be an obstacle in the investigation actually wanted the whole thing concluded last month.…

De facto PM role for Dr M?

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s plan to have a ‘council of elders’ to advise the Prime Minister of his choice is beyond bizarre and flies in the face of a modern democracy. Joceline Tan, The Star…

More Questions, Less Answers

Lim Sian See has rattled off a long list of queries directed to Tun Dr. Mahatir in his LSS Report blog, ostensibly to extract truth behind his motivations and actions. But truth is in rare…

Why The Stern Action With Vape?

Today, politicians are saying the MOH is going to lose votes for the government, so allow vaping culture. Tomorrow you are going to say that rempits should be allowed to race too because you need…

Peddling ignorance in halal trolleys

All these ideologies claim to be movements to mobilise their people and to protect them from threats to their existence, and along the way, they come out with policies and laws to segregate…

Now back to the Altantuya issue

So there you are, four bullets and all duds. So the 1MDB and RM2.6 billion issues are not going to bring down Najib after all. So they may need to go back to the Altantuya Shaariibuu issue and try,…

Can G25 be above politics?

To call for moderation and good governance is to make a political statement T K Chua, Free Malaysia Today Today’s statement by G25, the group of prominent retired Malay civil servants and…