Yearly Archives


There is no ‘Rawang Move’

That, of course, would make sense. I mean, you may not be sure whether this is true but you spread the rumour anyway and then you deny your own rumour (even if you yourself started that rumour) to…

When Mahathir loses his immunity

Can Hamid do this rather than talk about the enam kotak and then 17 years later not single kotak surfaces? Or is Hamid scared of making the police report because he does not really have any…

Correcting Najib’s fatal mistakes

It is still not too late for Najib to pull our country out of its economic tail spin but he has little time left Koon Yew Yin, Berita Daily When the curtain comes down on Najib Razak as the…

Conspiracy of The Conspirators

If you think the Opposition is going to successfully oust Najib soon, please go ahead and continue dreaming. Nothing will happen because the only thing you are guaranteed for are more…

Mahathir no longer untouchable

Najib is showing a more brazen approach against dissent, one that highlights his loyalty-first policy Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today After nearly a year of campaigning against Prime Minister…