Yearly Archives


Muhyiddin: I support Sosma

(NST) - Umno vice president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said he was never against the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma) as it was meant to deal with offences deemed threatening to…

DAP chief denies betrayal claims

(The Star) - State DAP chief Liew Chin Tong (pic) has defended its party members against Skudai assemblyman Dr Boo Cheng Hau’s allegations that he had been backstabbed and betrayed. Admitting…

Are you sure this is about 1MDB?

“You were given false information,” the Special Branch told me. “If Najib is really guilty of the murder of Altantuya do you think we would allow him to become Prime Minister?” they added. And…

An evening with ex-Muslims

The great Ahmed Deedat pointed to the increase in Muslims worldwide as proof of Islam’s truth. I now realise it was proof of lack of family planning. Quantity of people over quality of life.…

A literalist interpretation of the law

"How can I teach my students the law when the law seems to disregard such fundamental principles as constitutionalism and the rule of law”? Azmi Sharom, The Star Recent judgments have an…

Historia De Los Cojones

SeaDemon Says Wishful thinking. My take on yesterday morning’s press conference where the group of 6 spoke against SOSMA being used on Mahathir’s running dogs. 1) Mahathir now publicly…

Joint statement by Barisan veterans

(The Star) - THE arrest of lawyer Matthias Chang, and prior to that, his client Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma) is an abuse of…

MCA in a dilemma over party and PM

(The Star) - “If you can change the government, I congratulate you. But if you can’t, have you ever thought of the consequences?” he asked. MCA secretary-general Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan (pic)…