Yearly Archives


The reality of the Asian advantage

Americans believe that A grades go to smart kids, while Asians are more likely to think that they go to hard workers. Nicholas Kristof, Today This is an awkward question, but here goes: Why…

Open coalition to others, says PKR

(The Star) - PKR wants the newly formed opposition pact Pa­­katan Harapan to keep its doors open to include PAS, Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) and other like-minded parties from east Malaysia.…

Najib and MCA in a lose-lose game

KTemoc Konsiders MM Online - You want more? Make the Chinese back BN, Najib tells MCA On the surface of it, Najib's call seems more than fair, as he's implying that he has already 'given' to…

Harapkan Pagar

But none of the judges seem interested in the ideas of freedom and liberty. None of them have commented on the intrinsic value of these principles. Instead, they behave as if they are afraid of…

Zeti continuously slept on the job

Another Brick in the Wall Attorney General statement said the report submitted and application for review by BNM was in insufficient to bring a legal case on 1MDB for alleged offense under para…