Yearly Archives


My reply to Karamjit Gill

Karamjit did not insult Islam. Karamjit only insulted PAS. But then PAS is not a living thing. It is an empty shell. What would make PAS an entity are the people in PAS. And the people in PAS…

Raja Petra, Stop Living In Denial

I never insulted Islam as you claim, unless insulting PAS is insulting Islam to you. If that is the case, then the Umno you strongly support have done it many more times than I did. Karamjit…

Tip of Day #3: Trust the Kampung Heart

The sacking of Muhyiddin Yassin from the government, but not the party, commits two things, exposing entirely the underbelly of Umno for what it is and, perfectly reflecting on the nature of brute…

Bila kopiah di kepala sekadar hiasan

Kita pamerkan keIslaman kita pada kopiah, jubah, janggut, celak serta minyak atar berdozen gelen seolah-olah itu mencerminkan keperibadian seorang Muslimin sedangkan ilmu kemanusiaan yang amat…

Why Malay parties are in a panic

They have finally realised that the community is losing interest in them. Shahril Ahmad, Free Malaysia Today Malay politics often consists of what our leaders say we want and not what we say…

UMNO-PAS Could Be A Game Winner For BN

Although PKR vehemently denies that PAS is working with Umno, Najib’s matching pink outfit with PAS’s Abdul Hadi Awang at the opening of a conference for al-Azhar University alumni definitely…

The Khairuddin Abu Hassan bull

Khairuddin said he is just personally struggling to get to the truth. That is very commendable. So let us start with him. Help us get to the truth that he is no one’s dog and he is not acting on…

The Francis Yeoh bull

Singapore was convinced that the nationwide blackout was not an accident or bad management on the part of TNB but was intentional -- hence Paka was sabotaged. That was also what the TNB engineers…

Lee Hwa Beng: I am a racialist

(The Heat Malaysia) - MCA veteran Datuk Lee Hwa Beng admits that he looks at everything from the racial lens and that he is a racialist. Although he knows that MCA has lost it politically by…