Yearly Archives


Burning the bridge at both ends

Why do we resort to condemnation and name calling without at least trying to understand others’ viewpoints? Fa Abdul, Free Malaysia Today I was reading an article adapted from Dr M. Bakri…

On loudspeaker ban

Mohd Izzuddin Ramli, Malay Mail Online Inter-religious relations once again becomes a hot potato issue in Penang. I still remember a few years ago, there was an issue of public toilets in the…

Terengganu is as good as gone

It is actually a brilliant move by Pakatan Harapan. Demolish PAS in Terengganu by giving the state to Umno. Then blame Hadi for it and force him to resign. Pakatan Harapan would be blameless…

From MB to prisoner

Joceline Tan, The Star DR Mohd Khir Toyo seemed drained of emotion on the day he was sentenced to one year’s jail for corruption. His face looked pale and devoid of expression as two police…

‘Rotten fish’ syndrome in Umno

Fix the head first, says branch leader in call for action to revive party (Free Malaysia Today) - In order to revive Umno, the “head” must be fixed first, an Umno branch leader said, using the…

Liong Sik agrees: Najib must go

Former MCA leader lines up against prime minister over 'donation' in his bank account. (Free Malaysia Today) - Former MCA president Ling Liong Sik has lined up with Dr Mahathir Mohamad who has…

Dr M to Pekan folk: Vote against Najib

“We Malays are not very smart because we don’t think about our own benefit,” he said. “The Chinese on the other hand, if their interests are threatened, they will forget about their party,” he…