Lee Chee Min’s myth on Christianity and RPK’s points


Glenn Pedley

Dear RPK,

Firstly, thank you for all your articles, all of which I regard as truly well thought out. I have learned quite a bit from them.

I would like to offer some thoughts on the matter of Christianity, if I may. These thoughts may not reflect the position of Christians on the matter.

1) Son of God – Jesus claimed to be the son of God. Jesus also says we are all sons of God. Children of God. The bible also mentioned we are made in the image of God.

These may carry different interpretations and words may have lost meaning in translations. I would like to offer an interpretation.

God here is referred to as the Creator. The being or entity that created worlds, etc. This God/being/entity is a name we give to try to identify with this power. This power though may actually seem more distant after the ‘naming’. It actually is eternally connected to everything, it is everything. Descriptions like Omnipotent, Omnipresent, etc., come to mind.

A child of God, or a human in the image of God, refers to humans, having the same creative power within. Same in the sense of having the ability to create (best example I can give is through the act of thinking). It refers to man not only having this connection like everything else but also the ability to decide/create. Freewill. Not always living life in reaction.

2) Holy Trinity – However, for the creation to actually take place, God partakes in the act. The three-in-one is trying to explain that we are one in the sense that we are all connected. We give different names to try to differentiate maybe ‘roles’ or ‘identity’ but we are in fact connected in terms of creating. For example, when Jesus commanded the seas, wind and sky, etc., He did so from His thoughts and by being connected to God, somehow, this power allowed the creation of such events. Imagination is a powerful tool. Humans are creatures that may be distant or near God but are always connected to God. Our emotions/feelings indicate our distance to this power. Fell good = near. Feel not so good = not so near. Being in the zone = filled with Holy spirit = being in heaven. Heaven being a reference of being in God zone. Please don’t quiz me on the Holy spirit part. I feel the Holy spirit is less talked about although I do feel that it has something to do with God being perfect, human having to deal with the devil (satan/ the being in which human overcome in order to experience god- kind of like, we need cold to feel heat, or we need failure to enjoy success….) and the holy spirit being that part that allows us to feel empowered.

3) Sin – Refers to the act of missing the aim. When sin is committed, it merely means the act has caused one to be missing the target, which one would assume to be with God. Sin causes one to be further from God so to speak, and results in one being in hell, a reference of being in a not too good feeling place. The old testament does a reference to the 10 commandments as this is used as an explanation/interpretation of what to do and not, regarding sin. This can be interpreted as should one keep the command, God’s promise is that one will feel good (in heaven). In the new testament, Jesus says, “Love one another as I have loved you” after saying “love thy god with all your heart, mind and soul.” or something like that. These laws may seem true in that just do the act and one will be rewarded but the true test lies in one’s own feelings because it is one’s feelings that are the indication of God’s presence. Hence, sometimes we miss the point and focus on the act rather than the feelings/aim of the act (not all those who call me lord, lord will enter the kingdom of heaven?)

4) Eli ELi lema Sabachthani – I would say refers to Jesus being human. Which He always was even when he was being Godlike.

In essence, I agree with what you have highlighted and find more flaws in the Christian argument for Jesus being God. I do not know of the history records of Jesus’s existence to prove He existed. What I do see, though, is that through the bible, this man named Jesus, showed and taught a way of living that can be connected to a powerful entity. How one takes that message and lives it is reflected in one’s feelings and therefore one’s connection to God. The bible has lots of guide on how to live life with that aim, some of which, as you mentioned, would probably have achieved those aims for certain people during a certain period in time but most probably not for others. Many of which though continue to be true over time.

Lastly, on a parting note, you have mentioned many times over a line that goes something like “Tell a lie often enough and it becomes truth.” This is a powerful statement. It seems to state that- A truth is only truth so long as the believer believes it to be true. A truth for one may not be the truth for another. And that a lie may become truth.

This is so powerful because humans have the power to create. Create here referring to the future. As the future is not yet present, the future may or may not be according to past or present. Therefore, a ‘lie’ about the future may be truth after all. And a ‘truth’ about the future may turn out to be a lie. Hence, the power to create a future may be based upon one’s thought about it, be it a feel good thought or not. I feel you have highlighted these often for all of us readers.

Truth never changes and is the same over time. This truth refers to something more powerful, steadfast and everlasting and few truths can claim to be this true.

Thank you for your time and hope you go gentle on my ramblings.
