Lies, Lies and more Lies


Stop the Lies

Whether the total land value price of Bandar Malaysia is RM12.35b or RM10b, 1MDB’s debts are majority resolved leaving an estimated asset value of RM13b  – net of debt.

But of course Tony Pua and gang would not be happy that the famous RM42b attack can no longer be used.

Thus they have now picked on the difference between NET EQUITY VALUE and LAND VALUE to mislead people who do not understand this difference and saying that the sale of 60% of Bandar Malaysia was lower price than announced and 1MDB is trying to cheat people.

I find it really desperate by opposition now trying to dispute the selling price.

Whether BM is sold for RM12 billion or RM10 billion, the net effect is still that 1MDB debts are resolved.

More strangely, in June 2015, Tony Pua had also disputed that the govt’s RM11 billion valuation for the Bandar Malaysia land was massively over inflated!

“We want to know if the second minister of finance was spewing gibberish and just plucked these new outlandish valuations out of thin air to present an optimistic picture of 1MDB.

“How were these new valuations arrived at? Or are there more sinister reasons why the values have been massively inflated?” asked Pua.

Very strange. At that time Tony Pua said the valuation was massively over-inflated and now he is questioning if the price paid by the 60% buyer is lower than announced.

What exactly do you want, Tony Pua? Price too high, you complain and scold others (giberrish, outlandish, pluck from thin air) . Price is lower you complain and scold others “boo hoo and liar”.

1MDB had already clarified that the RM7.41b is the effective sale price.

Remember the Edra deal where the sale price of RM9.83b was announced but the net value to 1MDB is RM17.3b because the buyer also have to assume RM8b of 1MDB debts?


