Presumed “Guilty”


It is as though MACC timed the statement to divert the attention away from the good news.

Another Brick in the Wall

In the movie, Presumed Innocent, Deputy Prosecutor, “Rusty” Sabich (played by Harrison Ford) was chosen to lead the investigation into the rape and murder of a female colleague, Carolyn Polhemus (played by Greta Scacchi).

As Rusty digs deeply into the case, he found Carolyn and the newly elected District Attorney, Nico Della Guardia were linked involved to a bribe to throw out a case. There is politics involved as Nico avoid from being the shortest serving District Attorney.

The legal drama could be titled as Presumed “Guilty” because Rusty had an affair with Carolyn and this led Nico to frame him for the murder. It ends with a court room cliff hanging escape for Rusty. [Watch it online here].

In the real life legal drama, Malaysian version of Harrison Ford, Attorney General, Tan Sri Apandi Ali is being presumed guilty by former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir. There is also political motivation but a different Nico character.

The scenes are still unfolding but still not the end yet.

Apandi responded by accusing Tun M of playing reverse psychology. It was intended as pressure to follow MACC’s recommendation and make cases out of it. Tun M’s remark appear as though the investigation paper leaked to him and like in the 1MDB issue, he seemed to make his own conclusion.

Apandi has put it on record to state to the press that he will act without fear or favour and in accordance with the law. He will not be pressured by such political game.

At stake is the good name of the office as it is not him alone to decide. Other lawyers will be involved to study the 3 investigation papers submitted by MACC on the RM2.6 billion, and two other cases involving RM42 million relating to former 1MDB subsidiary, SRC International Sdn Bhd.

That leaves too much trails for a cover-up. Tun M used to say conspiracy cannot involve many people. It is unthinkable to do so in these days of documents suddenly appearing on websites and social media.


Many questioned why MACC need to make such statement. The submission of investigation paper by MACC, PDRM, BNM and any others bodies to AG Office is a daily affair. Rejection of investigation papers for further investigation and request for more statements and documents are part of any day’s work at all these agencies.

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