Chew jetty residents take on the ‘tokong’


K. Suthakar, The Star

SOME Penangites are an enterprising lot and are quick to cash in on any frenzy.

When Lithuanian street artist Ernest Zacharevic started painting murals in the inner city of George Town, traders came up with colourful T-shirts to depict the scenes.

The items were such a hit among the public although Zacharevic might not have received any royalty payment.

The latest attraction is the catchy T-shirts emblazoned with words purportedly uttered by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng over the Chew jetty issue.

The T-shirts are expected to hit the streets next week but it has already created much buzz in the Chinese press and social media.

The spinning is hilarious indeed if you know the inside story.

An entrepreneur is printing the T-shirts carrying the words ‘Not Your Dad’s Land!’ and the Malay translation ‘Bukan Tanah Bapa Kau!’ (pic) with a pointed forefinger.

Another T-shirt carries a profane word in Hokkien.

Lim purportedly uttered the words during a press conference at his office in Komtar last Sunday and in a private conversation with Pengkalan Kota assemblyman Lau Keng Ee. The jetty comes under Lau’s constituency.

Only the Chinese press were invited to the event, which was for the presentation of cheques to independent Chinese schools.

The profane word was not uttered at the press conference but Lim was overheard telling the assemblyman who had just come in.

The T-shirt was the result of a war of words between Lim and certain jetty leaders over the state government’s plan to hold a Cultural and Heritage Festival there on the eighth day of Chinese New Year during the Thni Kong Seh (Jade Emperor’s Birthday) celebration. It is an act of open defiance by some small groups against the Tokong (deity), an unflattering description of Lim given by former Penang deputy chief minister Datuk Mansor Othman.

Last week, some 30 residents of the jetty staged a protest against the festival because the event would be held during the Thni Kong Seh celebration which would be held for the 109th year.

It appears that state government leaders were doing a tit for tat against the jetty leaders who thumbed their nose at Lim and Tanjong MP Ng Wei Aik last year.

Instead of inviting the two of them as in previous years, the leaders invited former Penang MCA leader Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun and state Barisan Nasional chief Teng Chang Yeow to attend the celebration.

The insult was apparent and this has miffed Lim and Ng.

During the press conference, Lim had remarked that the festival would be held on state government land. He apparently said “this is not your father’s land” in apparent reference to jetty adviser Chew Teng Hooi who is spearheading the protest.

Hence, the T-shirts bearing the words.

Lau had told pressmen that the jetty committee was upset with the state government for tearing down their illegal car park which was built on a piece of land which was reclaimed without permission.

Chew had handed a memorandum to Lim, asking the state government not to tear down the structure but Lim apparently had stood firm, saying the structure might affect George Town’s world heritage listing.

The saga is expected to continue with the committee inching to hit back at Lim. One can expect more fiery statements in the run-up to the celebration.

Liew Yeow Hooi, who stood under the PCM ticket in the Komtar state seat in the last general election, said he was shocked that Lim had uttered the “Not Your Dad’s Land” remark against jetty leaders.

“Lim is from Malacca and he is telling Penangites that this is not your land. What’s his aim of holding the event during the Thni Kong Seh celebration which the jetty residents have been organising for more than 100 years?” he asked.

It is not easy for the residents to stand up to the mighty Lim.

In the last general election, Lau defeated his opponent from Barisan Nasional by a wide margin. The candidate even lost his deposit.

The constituency is DAP territory.

Lim is not having it easy with the advent of the new year.

The year ended with five PKR assemblymen abstaining on a motion on land reclamation at the state assembly. He had demanded that PKR take action against the assemblymen on the “back-stabbing”.

Now, PKR has sprung another surprise by nominating Gan Ay Ling, 41, a voter in Nilai, Negri Sembilan, as a Penang Island City councillor. Apparently, Gan only joined Bayan Baru PKR two years ago.

The photo of her voter registration details is being circulated in WhatsApp groups following her appointment on Thursday.

The party is taking a hit for selecting someone so junior as councillor, which indicates there is a dearth of leaders.

Lim’s problem with PKR has not been resolved and he is now embroiled in another hot issue with jetty leaders.

