Mat Sabu wants LGE to love him


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Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) president Mohamad Sabu today rubbished allegations that DAP is an anti-Islam and anti-Malay party, claiming that the Penang state government took better care of Malays compared to other states.

He also advised party members at the first Pakatan Harapan leadership conference here to not resort to race politics, and that such an idea is a ‘trap put in place by Barisan Nasional’ (BN).


I am not surprise with his statement. Coming from a desperate politician who lost support when he was with Pas, its okay (I guess) for him to ‘worship’ DAP. But of course Lim Guan Eng would love to commend and pat his back!

If Pas supporters have lost confidence and faith in him, don’t expect he will garner support from the Malays, and I believe the Penang Malays would condemn what he said.

“Didn’t the Penang DAP chief care for the Malays there? I feel he takes care of the Malays better than those in other states. He even takes care of the property belonging to deceased Muslims,” Mohamad said during his speech, referring to Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng.

“All this while, we have been trapped in racial issues, so let us also not join in…this is what will give us problems.

“The racial stereotype doctrine was programmed by the administration, therefore, we have to break that programme and not fall into their trap,” Mohamad added.

Though not explicitly naming anyone in relation to his speech, Mat Sabu appeared to be responding to a Johor Amanah leader who had suggested that DAP not field any of its Malay candidates to contest state seats where Malays are the predominant race, to increase Pakatan Harapan’s chances of winning Malay votes.


