Pakatan must form one party for all Malaysians


We need a new paradigm: the existing coalition system is no different from BN

T K Chua, Free Malaysia Today

Notwithstanding Pakatan Harapan’s seven principles to avoid infighting and to set a new code of conduct for the opposition coalition, I would still want to say my piece.

Pakatan Harapan politicians just can’t seem to invest for the long term, they only look within the existing paradigm. They are too hurried to be in power, not knowing that power so obtained would not last.

Yes, I am being idealistic. In the short term Pakatan will suffer if it moves away from racial and religious politics, but the coalition cannot do the same thing as BN but hope for a different result.

Why replace PAS with Amanah? What is the logic here, if not to continue with politics based on race and religion? Pakatan politicians must be thinking rural populations can’t change, and forever must be fed with religion and conservatism to gain their support.

Why not take the opportunity of the existing imbroglio with PAS to form a single giant party which includes existing parties in Pakatan as well as those disenchanted members from BN? Why continue with the existing coalition system, which seems no different to me from BN?

I think most of us know why. They probably want the common policies but they also want rural conservative votes. Hence the half measures in all and sundry, wanting to include PAS and Amanah at the same time. I just don’t understand: do PAS and Amanah have the monopoly of Malay support in the rural areas? Can nothing ever be done without them?

I think Pakatan is fighting ignorance by “competing” with BN to keep the rural people ignorant, fighting bigotry by “appealing” to their misguided beliefs, fighting parochialism and racism by “implying” that rural people are special and different from others.

This is not the way to go for this country. It will only bring us to the Stone Age.

It is time for the new paradigm, time for Pakatan to merge into a single party.

It is time for this party not to compete on ignorance but to fight ignorance with education and enlightenment. It is 2016: I believe it is possible to change the thinking of rural people if serious effort is put into it. Educate and enlighten, don’t reinforce their ignorance.


