How Jakim can help stop Isis


Hafidz Baharom, The Malaysian Insider

In an article published recently, the head of the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) said that they were finding it “too hard” to stop the influence of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (Isis) militants from spreading online.

Now, I found this both amusing and frustrating at the same time for a couple of reasons.

Primarily, we have a police force that has been tasked to monitor our Facebook accounts to the point of obesity becoming a problem, we have an inspector-general of police (IGP) that polices Twitter, and multiple, independent religious departments in every state that each have a network of informants which allows them to break into apartments and hotel rooms to catch people in close proximity or “khalwat”.

Yet, stopping Isis is “too hard”?

This organisation uses Islam as a pull to recruit further from Malay Muslims and a recent survey shows that 11% of the population supports them.

To give your imagination a bit of a jarring, 11% of the population means there are more people supporting this terror group than there are Malaysian Indians!

And since they are abusing Islam as a recruitment tool, how is it that people such as Jakim can just look away and say it is “too hard”?

They can come up with sermons on the influences of not wearing a headscarf, hugging a K-Pop star and even vaping.

Yet to tell people that those supporting the entire concept of jihad by flinging gay people off tall buildings, and even executing your own mothers as heretics is commendable is somehow beyond Jakim’s abilities?

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