Malaysia and The Trans Pacific Partnership TPP


In this webcast, Professor James Chin talks to two of the leading voices on the TPPA debate in Malaysia.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) is highly controversial in Malaysia. Many Malaysian NGOs are of the opinion that TPPA will lead to negative outcomes to Malaysia, especially the provisions on pharmaceuticals and investor-state dispute mechanism.

In this webcast, Professor James Chin talks to two of the leading voices on the TPPA debate in Malaysia. Charles Santiago is Member of the Parliament of Malaysia for the Klang constituency in Selangor, and a leading critic of the TPPA. Associate-Professor Dr. Sufian Jusoh, is a Senior Fellow at Institute of Malaysian and International Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). He is a specialist on International Trade and Development and International Investment Policy. He is also Distinguished Fellow, Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia.

