Are Najib and Mahathir birds of the same feather who feed off our weaknesses?

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

Nothing can be done about the suspicions on Prime Minister Najib Razak’s alleged criminal acts. But that’s because they have never been put to judicial scrutiny. The Najib-appointed Attorney-General, as the chief prosecutor, said there’s nothing solid that he can use as basis to institute prosecution proceedings.

Even if he did, he then has to establish a prima facie case in the court of law for Najib’s defence to be called. Then he has to prove beyond reasonable doubt in order to get Najib convicted. So he didn’t bother. That seems a reasonable excuse because if every suspicion merits prosecution, then former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad should be dragged to court too.

The only difference is, perhaps, is that Dr. Mahathir is prepared to be legally examined. Otherwise he won’t be so indignant about Najib’s behaviour. Especially now that he is being dragged in by Najib’s supporters as two wrongs making one right. He was not charged for any criminality when he was prime minister because the AG then did not see it fit to do so. Same-same!

How would we know why the AG at that time did not do so? Perhaps because there were no complaints from the public. No social media for every Tom, Dick and Harry to speak up. Perhaps the AG then was just like the present one – conservative and careful not to upset the apple cart to their own detriment.

Or simply because Mahathir did nothing wrong in the Forex loss or the IPP deal with YTL or anything. He was lily-white. Furthermore, he would never get upset even if they did investigate him. The Income Tax Department head being transferred out after sending Mahathir an income tax form was purely coincidental.

There you have it. Najib, too, would love to see Mahathir in the dock. In return, he would follow suit and withstand legal scrutiny. After all, Najib did nothing wrong either, beyond being encumbered by a do-gooder’s billions and befriending a young sex-starved financial advisor and being married to someone people just love to hate.

For that matter, there are a thousand excuses for whatever that is hurting our country. And we are so thoughtful never to breach proprieties. It is okay that millions suffer, and public institutions destroyed, and nation building sacrificed, as long we uphold the rule of law, or is it the rule by law? The difference is fine but appreciable to those who want to see.

So we may be pathetically reduced to daydream the ridiculously impossible dream of crooks subjecting themselves to be examined even if they have done nothing wrong to merit investigations. ESPECIALLY when they have done nothing wrong, you’d say. What’s there to fear?

The real fear is ours, not theirs. Imagine, if we don’t cop out of the search for the truth. That would mean we have to think beyond race and prejudices. That would appear more impossible than dreaming of honour among thieves.

