When Daim Talks Cock

Rahmat Omar

SeaDemon Says

I found this in a WhatsApp group I reluctantly subscribes to (a friend added me into the group thinking I have all the time to look and reply to messages). It is an old message sent during the peak of Mahathir’s attacks on Najib made viral by people who read without understanding and share without substantiating. The message is as follows:

Bro what say you:

Currency is expected to go down further to RM 4.50 by end of September as Ringgit not used as currency’s for trading in world market stock exchange. Ringgit stumbled as the govt. further cut on export of crude and import more. Everyone should take precaution as this is a crashed economy as a whole. Bank Negara only held reserved of RM101 billion at this moment. Our debt climbed to 580 billion.Stop buying any properties or car. Disaster is on the way.


Economic Analyst predict within 100 days, Malaysia will collapse. Stock market & currency value will take a nose dive in a drastic manner.

This is due to world negative economic outlook; World’s security issue due to terrorism – ISIS, & middle East conflict. There has been much fear on the Spartly Island; where China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippine and Malaysia want to claim ownership rights. The recent China & Russia military training exercise is to show their military alliance & strength. This is to tell US to lay off. Indirectly to warn US, Japan & Phillipine, do not wage war against China or Russia.

The recent crude oil crash is due to oversupply. The Americans are pumping in the world more crude oil. The reasons: i) to hurt Russian’s economy and her currency as Russian is world’s no1. Oil exporter. US & EU are blaming Russia for Ukraine’s turmoil & the unresolved MH 17 issue. ii) to stop terrorists, particularly ISIS for selling cheap smuggled crude oil from Syria & Iraq.

Malaysia is compounded by political uncertainty; corruption, abuse of one’s power & withholding the truth.

The world has perceived Malaysia as no. 1 in world ranking in: i)Corruption & Scandals; and ii) world’s champion in Credit Cards forgery. 

So my dear friends & family members; please spend your money wisely. Keep your Money for rainy days. We are heading towards World economic collapse. The days ahead will be difficult and bumpy. The journey is tough & unpredictable. This will hit hard on All of us; regardless whether you are rich or poor. All the best to All.

<Tun Daim>

Let’s take the first point: Currency is expected to go down further to RM 4.50 by end of September and our stock market will crash.

The Ringgit was not the only one that went down against the Greenback. Many other currencies did, and many other countries spent far much more of their reserves than Malaysia to prop up their currency. And this year the Ringgit is one of the few currencies that have actually strengthened against the Dollar. Now how has the Ringgit fared against the Dollar?


