Heh-heh-heh, look who are Tun’s biggest fans today

Helen Ang 330p

Helen Ang’s Blog

All the Facebook screenshots below are taken from today’s FMT article ‘Mahathir seeking a scapegoat for his grand failures’ where the ex-premier is being criticized by Communications Minister Salleh Said Keruak.

Now check out the fake profiles of the Facebookers in the FMT conversation thread.

The earliest or first comment to hentam Najib comes from one ‘Amarjeet Singh’ but fails to link to his Facebook account. Amarjeet’s avatar does not look like a Punjabi face. It looks like a Mat Salleh from a magazine photo or some promo material.

Aside from Amarjeet, a few other commenters on the FMT article above about Tun did not provide active FB links either, such as Kian Kian who said “Najib’s name is tainted with scandals”.

Another guy Mak Yoon Nam called Najib “AhCheatKo” but his FB link is not available as well.


