Muhyiddin Yassin is telling us to vote opposition


The bottom line is: in 2006 Dr Mahathir told Malaysians to punish Umno by voting opposition in 2008 so that the Prime Minister can be ousted. In 2016, Muhyiddin is telling Malaysians to punish Umno by voting opposition in 2018 so that the Prime Minister can be ousted.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Ordinary folk victim of politics, corruption, says Muhyiddin

(The Malaysian Insider) – The country’s “suffocating” politics will lead to national disunity, says Umno deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, where the people will suffer in the end.

The people were also victims of political instability because of corruption and the economic downturn, said the former deputy prime minister.

“Our politics is becoming even more suffocating. It is because of the chaotic political climate. This can disunite the country and the people.”

“Our internal political problems include corruption and the economic downturn where the people become victims and are made to pay the price,” Muhyiddin said as reported in Malay-language daily Sinar Harian today.

He added that Malaysia’s world standing was not good given the issues related to the leadership.

“Our country is under threat because of issues involving the leaders.”

“Malaysia is no longer viewed as stable in the international area and this is having an impact on the people.”

“With the country in the spotlight over these issues, people are facing hardship, especially in business and investments,” the Sinar Harian quoted him as saying during a speech in Pagoh yesterday.


Why is it when politicians become desperate they start making silly statements? I have seen many silly statements coming out from Muhyiddin Yassin’s mouth in my lifetime but the above probably takes the prize. What a downright amateurish statement!

What does Muhyiddin mean by what he said above? Why talk a lot but say nothing? If he has something to say then say it. Stop all this “a certain person did a certain bad thing at a certain place at a certain time on a certain day” nonsense.

Who? What? Where? When? Say it!

I tell you what, let me rephrase Muhyiddin’s statement above so that you can better understand what he means. I will not do any major editing. I will just change ‘we’ to ‘Umno’, as what Muhyiddin really meant.

Umno’s “suffocating” politics will lead to national disunity, says Umno deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, where the people will suffer in the end.

The people were also victims of Umno’s political instability because of Umno’s corruption and the economic downturn, said the former deputy prime minister.

“Umno’s politics is becoming even more suffocating. It is because of Umno’s chaotic political climate. This can disunite the country and the people.”

“Umno’s internal political problems include corruption and the economic downturn where the people become victims and are made to pay the price,” Muhyiddin said as reported in Malay-language daily Sinar Harian today.

He added that Malaysia’s world standing was not good given the issues related to Umno’s leadership.

“Our country is under threat because of issues involving Umno’s leaders.”

“Malaysia is no longer viewed as stable in the international area and this is having an impact on the people.”

“With the country in the spotlight over these issues, people are facing hardship, especially in business and investments,” the Sinar Harian quoted him as saying during a speech in Pagoh yesterday.

So, is that what Muhyiddin was trying to say? Is Muhyiddin saying what Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said in 2006: which is that Umno is destroying the country? Is Muhyiddin saying what Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said in 2006: which is that we must vote opposition to teach Umno a lesson?

Well, from where I am sitting this is how I interpret what Muhyiddin is saying. And what Muhyiddin is saying is exactly what Dr Mahathir said in 2006. And because of what Dr Mahathir said in 2006, Barisan Nasional got whacked real hard in the 2008 general election. But if this is not what Muhyiddin is saying then what was he trying to say?

I suppose you can always blame Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak for everything and say that Umno is not guilty one bit. But then Umno elected Najib and the majority in Umno support Najib. So, if you want to say that the country’s problems are due to Najib, then Umno has to take the blame.

As what Dr Mahathir said in 2006: it is Umno that elected and supported Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. So, we must punish Umno by voting opposition so that Abdullah can be ousted. And in 2008 the people did note opposition to punish Umno and soon after that Dr Mahathir managed to oust Abdullah after three years of trying.

The bottom line is: in 2006 Dr Mahathir told Malaysians to punish Umno by voting opposition in 2008 so that the Prime Minister can be ousted. In 2016, Muhyiddin is telling Malaysians to punish Umno by voting opposition in 2018 so that the Prime Minister can be ousted.

Now let me get this very clear: Muhyiddin Yassin is Umno’s Deputy President, right? At least Dr Mahathir had the decency to resign from Umno first before he told Malaysians to punish Umno by voting opposition. What is Muhyiddin still doing in Umno, and a Deputy President, too, on top of that?

I think if Umno still keeps Muhyiddin as its Deputy President then it deserves to be punished.

