Presumed Guilty III


All the elements are there to presumed he is involved. It is almost near to impossible that he is not in the know of what is happening at TIA and 1MDB. As former MoF II or Minister in charge of EPU, he cannot not be consulted either by Pak Lah or Najib on TIA or 1MDB.

Another Brick in the Wall

Rocky Bru’s latest posting highlighted public’s screwed up sense of consistency and integrity is to meet to their biased or rather propaganda manipulated viewpoints.

Never do they ponder that they have been made to look the other way by propaganda and rhetorics.

Have anyone thought for a second that Dato Najib or even Datin Seri Rosmah couldn’t possibly lay out the so-called long-winded money flow back to Najib’s personal account?

Other’s can make their assumptions but as we see, it couldn’t be them both. One possibility (still a possibility) can create the element of doubt in any court.

Such transactions has to be done by someone with the experience in such esoteric off-shore banking and investment schemes.

It is not by any Tom, Dick and Harry banker or stockbroker or fund manager.

Najib would merely give the go ahead based on what was advised to him by either first CEO Dato Shahrol or as alleged by many, Taek Jho Loh.

Surely the intention told to Najib would be good and holy. PM cannot be expected to know the technical nitty gritty thus unfair to be wrongfully guilty. Furthermore, the accusers including Tun M have yet to offer any proofs.

If the money trail is true as certain investigators like to believe and without giving a second doubt due to lack of knowledge in such esoteric financial product, then it has to be the most sophisticated amateurish work.

The real reason for the maze of money flow cannot be merely to siphon money. It is layers and layers to enable and justify a purpose.

Read more here
