Malaysia’s problem is: Umno, the Malays and Islam


COMMENTS by Theantdaily readers

Saul: Where did we go wrong? Interesting question! Here’s my answer.

Everybody pretends everything is all right, MCA is one big eunuch and MIC one big slave.

Everybody pretends there is equality in the country.

Everybody pretends there is tolerance.

Everybody pretends to be rational.

Everybody pretends to be forgiving.

Everybody pretends to understand every irrational behaviour.

The Malays want everything for themselves.

The religion of the dominant group is the true religion, all others are pagans.

Some heads of religion don’t seem clever at all and appear to live in a different century.

A big chunk of Malaysians are NOT tolerant, sectarian and insular.

There is plenty of discrimination, bullying, coercion, corruption, confabulation, conspiracy, paranoia and finger pointing at others for own faults and inability to face own inadequacy.

The police are gaji buta or personal bodyguards for VIPs or henchmen for criminal activities.

There are other wrongs which escape me now but which others can add. So Malaysians behave the way the country treats them. If the country promotes religious divide they become extremists. If the country spoon feeds them they become fools. If the authorities closes one eye they become mischief makers.

Of course if one is discriminated then that one works harder to overcome it. This in simple terms is what is happening in Malaysia.

Pangait: The basic reasons why we are on earth has been forgotten. Satan had vowed to entice men/women for his company in hell. He has less to do when rulers, presidents, prime ministers, religious heads, mullahs, muftis, priests etc are already in his good books. Now can’t any of these see that Satan has won?

Ray Ong: History has shown us that over the centuries, humankind had gone through many phases of upheavals and revolutions. Same as ideologies, religion too have its ups and downs like the murderous Inquisitions in Spain and France.

I didn’t know we still have people stupid enough to be commies and believing communism still works. These people are like dinosaurs now.

Oliver S Mq: What exactly is the “up” of religions?

Ding See Hock: I believe for someone normal to resort to that measure must be because of some serious deep value he was brought up to believe in. Fanaticism or whatever description we may put on it, the fact is that this deep belief is being indoctrinated since young. Every aspect of life that strengthens the self, the ego, the pride. Love as we all know is self-serving and contradictory. Same with some religious beliefs – it is merely worshipping and serving one’s ego.

Timothy Wong: Malaysians aren’t violent? You obviously have not seen the number of thugs and rempits we have. We have our share of violent people.

Nöir Strikē Døvåhkīīn: Ticket to Heaven with 72 virgins is a very good motivation, since living in malaysia is almost like hell

Yazidah Jemali: We have greedy and corrupt leaders and they lead the country by example…so sad!

Cayenne David: Only crooks have to resort to violence to keep their looted billions

Naza Majid: Because they were not taught to think!!!

Thomas Yeoh: Where did Malaysia go wrong? Umno.

Alex Wong: For not going out to vote!

See also: Zaid debates ‘questionable morality’ of Malay leaders

