“I did not say it!”


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Yes, I don’t remember Mohd Bakke Salleh said anything about the RM2.6 billion donation came from 1MDB.

It came, in fact, from PM Najib’s political enemy and the RBA agents who up to today keep spinning and harping on such a lie.

And I believe Bakke just couldn’t hold back anymore. Yesterday, he came out to deny it.

In a statement on Monday, the former 1MDB chairman refuted allegations on social media quoting him as having said that the funds were from the government investment arm.

Mohd Bakke said he had never made any remark to that effect in his testimony to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) in its investigation into 1MDB.

According to him, his statement to the PAC was never discussed in social media and he had never appointed anyone or any quarters to issue statements on his behalf.

Read more here

