Open Letter from Kazakhstan’s Student Society in Malaysia


It had come to our attention, that during this couple of days Tun Dr. Mahathir has made pretty strong but unsupported statements about Daniyar Kessikbayev and his wife Nooryana Najwa. Stating that Daniyar, allegedly received 16 barrels of gifts during the engagement ceremony in 2011.

Daniyar’s and Nooryana’s marriage was and is, a strong sign of bond and connection of our countries, cultures and people and We as a society of Kazakhstan students in Malaysia could not stay away from such ignorance and disrespect from the side of Tun Dr. Mahathir, denouncing his statements.

In our culture husband must cherish his wife, and to show that he is able to do that, it is customary for our people to shower bride with presents. And present them in chests. This tradition goes back to our nomadic roots when young men competed for women and that gesture is a tradition which back the idea that husband is able to support his wife and willing to do so.

This is not the first time, political games shrewd bad light to such big step in Malaysian and Kazakhstan’s relationships. And we must note that every time it is not supported by anything, except statements from various politicians, who play this marriage and use it as a political tool.

Daniyar and Nooryana have participated and helped us to organize different cultural celebrations. We saw Daniyar and Nooryana raising funds for different charity organizations. Nooryana gave us a welcoming and inspiring speech during our festival celebration on the International Women’s Day. Daniyar has held numerous seminars in our University. We are proud of them, we proud that two Nations, with so many differences, separated by huge distances and having different cultures, still have something in common and able to exchange that cultures for a prosperity of both countries. We are sure that Malaysian people who study, work or live in Kazakhstan has the same feeling about that.

We have a huge respect for Tun Dr. Mahathir, but we hope that this was the last time, when a politician tries to get political gains, for the cost of loosing that link between our Nations, and stop playing politics in places, where it does not belong.

With the great respect.

Kazakhstan’s Student Society in Malaysia

