Tun Mahathir should stop attacking the young couple



Imagine a 91 year old with decades of politics experience attacking a newly married young 20-something year old couple who are not even doing business in Malaysia nor in politics …

This is another reason why my respect for Tun M has plunged.

His political attacks are personal and gutter-level – including attacks on daughters, son-in law and wife with lots of spins and lies in order to incite hatred – no different from Nga Kor Ming.

But when others attack Tun M’s billionaire sons, his supporters complain it’s unfair claiming Tun M’s sons are all mega brilliant business prodigies who did it all on their own with zero influence or help from Tun M – even though all three built their fortunes in their early 30s based on deals with govt and known UMNO proxies.

Recently, Tun M again attacked the wedding of Kazakh national Daniyar with Najib’s only daughter saying it is overly-extravagant and said that he was shocked at 16 barrels of presents.

This is despite Daniyar already saying that as the husband, he paid for the weddings.

Today, Daniyar clarified that it was 16 boxes of presents and not tong.

He clarified that this was a Kazakh tradition and that it was all his own money.

Daniyar’s mom, Maria, was married to Bolat Nazarbayev, the brother of long-time Kazakhstan president, for more than 10 years.

Bolat is super-rich and has a virtual monopoly of Kazakhstan fertilizer industry and also owns banks.

However, their marriage ran into trouble. Maira got into trouble when Bolat accused her of kidnapping his new girlfriend and reported to the Kazakh autorities – but Maira was never charged for this and remains a free person until today.

The New York courts believe that this was hearsay and a tactic to get Maira to be extradited back to Kazakhstan to reach a forced divorce settlement.

During their divorce court hearings in New York, the media reported that the court papers had stated that Maira had once purchased USD75 million (RM311 million) worth of jewelry and paid for it using Bolat’s money.

A Mar 12, 2014 divorce settlement allowed Maira to keep US$50m (RM207m) in jewelry and a US$20m (RM83m) New Jersey house – a total worth of RM300 million – but had to give up custody of her son with Bolat.

I am also sure that Maira herself had money saved from her 10 year wedding too but this was not disclosed.

Daniyar is the only other son of Maira and I do not see any issues with Maira giving a few million ringgit to Daniyar to purchase presents or hold his own grand weddings or that Daniyar had been funded by his mom to do business and make his own money.

“Saya tidak mempunyai apa-apa urusan atau sebarang bentuk perniagaan dengan kerajaan Malaysia. Saya juga tidak mengambil wang daripada rakyat Malaysia yang tercinta,” kata Daniyar.

“Saya dengan rasa hormat meminta Dr Mahathir berhenti menggunakan perkahwinan saya, isteri saya dan saya sendiri untuk kepentingan politik.

“Saya percaya Dr Mahathir sebagai seorang ahli politik yang bijak, seorang bapa dan suami pandai menilai apa yang salah dan apa yang betul untuk bercakap,”

Leave them alone, Tun M.





