Rafizi’s claptrap?


KTemoc Konsiders

An extract from Malaysiakini’s Rafizi, ‘system change’ isn’t replacing one devil with another by MKINI reader-commentator Proarte:

Proarte: “Rafizi stressed that PKR always advocated a system, and not personality change.” 

Really, Rafizi? Why then has PKR been essentially about one man, Anwar Ibrahim? What real ‘reforms’ has the bogus ‘Reformasi’ icon instituted or advocated? What systemic change did Anwar advocate for the past 18 years other than presenting himself as the candidate for PM?

In reality, Anwar and PKR have been so careful not to rock the ‘ketuanan Melayu’ and ‘ketuanan Islam’ boat and essentially have been advocating ‘business as usual’ Umno-style politics but in better packaging. Anwar Ibrahim has defrauded the Malaysian public with his empty talk of ‘reformasi’ which has no real substance.

Will Rafizi be advocating equal rights for each citizen with a rejection of the notion of ‘special privileges’ for Malays?

Will Rafizi be urging reforms in the state constitutions which deny non-Malays and non-Muslim the right to be CM despite commanding an overwhelming majority in the state assembly? Surely Rafizi will agree that racism and religious bigotry should not be tolerated.

Rafizi should not give us claptrap like ‘system change’ without defining exactly what he means. We are sick and tired of sound bites and ‘all things to all men’ politicians like Rafizi’s mentor Anwar Ibrahim.

Bravo Proarte, you’ve brilliantly exposed Rafizi’s (or PKR’s) “reformasi” for what it was/has been worth, wakakaka.

Those PKR so-called “reformers” – what a lot of crap they’ve been piling on us.

Related: Selangor saga shows PKR’s ketuanan mentality? (extracts only to politically titillate you)


