The Doctor (Tun Dr. Mahathir) Has Left The Building


Mustafa Jafar

In the grand scheme of things; what does Tun Dr. Mahathir leaving the party mean?

Realistically, nothing!

Yes, there is the sentimentality attached to his quickly eroding legacy and it was nice having the icon around.

But when the icon starts believing that he is bigger than the leader of the party and the party itself, then it is time leave.

The unsubstantiated things which Tun has been saying against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak  are things which he would never have stood for during his tenure as Prime Minister.

When he was the leader of the party, he expected and received absolute loyalty.  Those who did not fall in line fell out of favour.  Even after Tun’s public retirement he still wanted to be the puppet master and pull the strings.

However, now that there is a leader who is bright, strong and fearless; he (TDM) does not like it because he cannot control this successor.

So instead of enjoying the golden years of his life, Tun has been on a personal mission to topple the present Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Najib Razak) who also has the leadership qualities that Tun possessed when he was in office.  Could this distain for the present PM be a case of Tun trying to exorcise the personal demons from his past?

Tun Dr. Mahathir has for more than a year, attempted to cause the PM duress by insinuating that the PM is somehow party to or has knowledge of wrong doing.

The idea was that if Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak were constantly hit with a deluge of allegations than he would break under the pressure and resign.

Tun Dr. Mahathir expected and expects the PM to do what he would not do!

This is a matter of do what I say and not what I do?


