The March 27th gathering is to forge a coalition of the noisy not of the effective

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

Lim Kit Siang and Zaid Ibrahim are testing the waters this March 27th to see if a latent force of opposition to Prime Minister Najib Razak can be an impetus to create an opposition bloc to oust Barisan Nasional in the polls. Now that Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has finally given up on UMNO as his personal fiefdom to mess around with, that dream becomes more of a possibility.

Simply put, the hope is Pakatan Harapan plus UMNO dissidents equals a majority of Malaysian voters. On the face of it, that is a high possibility considering that Najib is operating ‘under the influence’, except that that such a grandiose plan ignores the elephant in the room. Why isn’t PAS invited? Because LKS and Zaid hate Tok Guru Abdul Hadi Awang who they have condemned to be Najib’s friend?

This is a perfect example of a multi-dimensional plan that is missing a crucial component to be successful simply because two idiots want to impose their personal values and aspirations on the proposed ensemble even before it is a reality. Has PAS ever declared its support for Najib? Have PAS supporters ever showed their agreement to Najib’s policies? A big NO!

All PAS did was to wisely show that it can be parley-parley with Najib in inconsequential moves simply to position itself as being independent of the dictates of pseudo self-righteous wannabes whose prime objective in politics is to prevail over those they hate as if their beliefs are Godsend universal values. Compromise in diversity is not kosher in the LKS school of politics.

PAS is an opposition party. It is alive today primarily because of their more than a million members’ disapproval of BN’s transgressions over more than sixty years. Isn’t that a strong enough credential to be invited? You cannot even overcome your parochial differences to focus on issues of national import? By your ‘bodoh sombong‘ attitude you are playing into Najib’s hands! And you dare dream of a united Malaysia. Infantile and imbecile leadership al a LKS.

Get off your high horses and see certain realities. There are only three parties that count in the peninsula today. UMNO, DAP and PAS. A combination of any two will prevail over the remaining one. The other parties are insignificant in their ideologies and will be snuffed out with a slight change of political configurations. They are there because others want them to be. And don’t waste your time with the Zaid-type who seek friends only to suit his own relevance, as proven over the years.

So if you want to overcome one of the three parties, team up with the other. If you don’t want to, then don’t bitch and whine that Najib is riding roughshod over you. It is ironic that just at the time when right-thinking people should get together, put aside their differences and find enough commonality to defeat a common enemy, stronger walls are being built by kiasu-types to confirm that impossibility. PAS is not going to go away just because you ignore them.

Sure, PAS is wary of DAP’S racial overtones just as DAP is wary of PAS’s Islamism. So deal with it, for better or for worse. Don’t gloss over it like before when Anwar Ibrahim did a con job just to earn a leadership role. The legitimate role of the opposition is to deprive the bad rulers of that fertile ground to sow their bullshit, not nourish it further. Agreeing to disagree is not licence to sweep things under the carpet like Anwar did.

Let’s appreciate our differences with cool heads, huddle together, argue relentlessly without worrying about the gallery, and see where we actually nett nett differ and compare those to the vast similarities we enjoy as humans seeking a living in this corner of God’s earth, and work tirelessly at not allowing the temptations to kiasu to overtake us.

Seems to me that whose dick is bigger matters more to these fraud-leaders than the well-being of Malaysians. Meanwhile, only one dick gets to enjoy the sex. The rest just masturbate ‘syiok sendiri’.
