A side-show with no clear agenda


Salleh Said Keruak

Those who attended the ANC (Anti-Najib Campaign) press conference today were the same voices who have been most vocal and who have been demanding Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s resignation since the last one year.

It was basically a collection of misfits and a motley crew who are united by only one thing: their hatred for Najib.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad talked about removing Najib and then pushing for reforms. But Dr Mahathir was very careful about not going into details regarding what reforms he is talking about. He left it vague.

The opposition’s idea of reforms differ greatly from that of Dr Mahathir’s. They are not united on the details. That alone ensures that this alliance is doomed from the start just like Pakatan Rakyat was.

Let us first hear what their full agenda of reforms is before asking the rakyat for their support. As it stands now their one and only agenda is to oust Najib. And after that what?



