PS. YB Rafizi Ramli, did you write this one?

Rafizi Ramli


This is really what those 57 people who signed the Deklarasi Mahathir signed on.

First main point is already tipu. Here it is:

“Fasal 3. Di bawah pentadbirannya negara jatuh tersenarai sebagai salah satu daripada 10 negara yang paling banyak mengamalkan rasuah mengikut laporan Ernst and Young Asia Pacific Fraud Survey Report Series 2013. Malaysia juga telah jatuh empat anak tangga Indeks Persepsi Rasuah 2015, dari 50 ke 54.”

Let me explain:

According to them, Malaysia is top ten most corrupt and their main evidence is the Ernst and Young Asia Pacific Fraud Survey Report Series 2013.

Firstly, nama sudah “Asia Pacific” only – so how can be top ten most corrupt?

And worse…this Report only covers EIGHT countries.

Read for yourself:$FILE/EY-Asia-Pacific-Fraud-Survey.pdf

Survey of EIGHT countries means Malaysia is top TEN most corrupt?

Where you go to school ah?

Their second evidence is this: ” Malaysia juga telah jatuh empat anak tangga Indeks Persepsi Rasuah 2015, dari 50 ke 54.”

You already say no. 54th – so where the top 10 comes from? This little piece of fact already CONTRADICT your own point!!!

And worse again.. it is actually 54th CLEANEST out of 167 countries as listed by the Corruptions Perception Index 2015:

What kind of people would actually put their signature on a document like this knowing full well it contains obvious lies that even a kid can find out?

Tak malu ke?

Still want to sign and let the world confirm your obvious stupidity / illiteracy / tendency to lie or simply sign anything that people ask you to sign.

You choose which one are you.

And even worse…the names of these 57 jokers are already documented for the world to see.

No shame ah? Your signature and your name is worth NOTHING?

PS. YB Rafizi Ramli, did you write this one?

