Citizens’ Declaration factual boo boo


Another Brick in the Wall

In a past posting written in Ramadhan last year on June 17, 2005 [found here], 15 factual errors of Tun Dr Mahathir in his allegations on 1MDB was highlighted.

When Good Star and Javace factual error are included, it adds up to 17 factual errors. Being the proud man he is, Tun M did not acknowledge his mistake but changed it to“bawah kelolaan Jho Loh” in the Citizens’ Declaration.

The factual error on the “RM42 billion lesap dari 1MDB” allegation was pointed but someone in Tun M’s office said the facts does not matter, it is the principle that matters.

Unless the yet to commence US$13 billion investigation by Swiss AOG is purely 1MDB and not involving other corporate clients of Jho Loh, including Middle Eastern companies, the accounts and transaction done by 1MDB shows Tun M was factually wrong.

Principle must be fought on correct facts. That include the claim of Malaysia’s corruption position in the Citizens’ Declaration.

Item 3 below refers:

“Fasal 3. Di bawah pentadbirannya negara jatuh tersenarai sebagai salah satu daripada 10 negara yang paling banyak mengamalkan rasuah mengikut laporan Ernst and Young Asia Pacific Fraud Survey Report Series 2013. Malaysia juga telah jatuh empat anak tangga Indeks Persepsi Rasuah 2015, dari 50 ke 54.” 

It turns out that the survey done by EY only involved 8 countries. For such a sample size, the report should only be 8 case studies.

Tun M should have said that Malaysia is the top 8 most corrupted nation. That would have been more dramatic and really more effective perception play to destroy the country’s name to the rakyat.

There is also the question of top what? Top 10 in Asia Pacific? Top 10 in Asia? For best perception effect, should have said it is top 10 in the world!

Then there is the Corruption Perception Index for 2015 that fall from 50 to 54. According to Deputy Minister Dato Razali Ibrahim, Malaysia only fell from 50 to 52.

Quite sure some Tun supporters will say facts does not matter, the principle matters. Be it 52 or 54, we still fell in ranking.

Then they should also ponder over the fact that the index is only about perception. Perception is not necessarily real. Only perception of some unknown observers. Who are the observers?


