Malaysia ex-PM Mahathir Mohamad’s appointment as Petronas advisor terminated

Mahathir Petronas

Dr Mahathir should no longer hold any position related to the Government since he was “no longer supporting the current Government”, said the Prime Minister’s Office. 

(Channel News Asia) – Former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s role as advisor to Petronas has been terminated by the country’s cabinet, according to a statement on Friday (Mar 11).

Dr Mahathir should no longer hold any position related to the government since he was “no longer supporting the current government”, said a statement released by the Prime Minister’s Office.

The statement added that Dr Mahathir’s launch of the “Citizen’s Declaration” was aimed at toppling the “democratically-elected Government” led by current Prime Minister Najib Razak, and was against the law and the Federal Constitution.

A total of 58 people had signed a declaration on Mar 4, led by Dr Mahathir, calling for a national movement to remove Mr Najib through legal and non-violent means. They also pledged to take action against those who associated with or covered up for the Prime Minister.

Mahathir, Malaysia’s longest serving Prime Minister, took on an advisory role at Petronas after stepping down in 2003. State energy firm Petronas is the country’s single largest source of Malaysian Government revenue and national export earnings.

