Will DAP be allowed to expand beyond what LKS’s intellect can comprehend?

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

Please do not blame DAP for the ills that have befallen this nation. They have never been in power to be able to wreak any havoc. Even if you may feel if they had the power, God knows how much worse it could have been.

The biggest thing DAP can be blamed for in this connection is making voters feel they are being forced to opt for the suspect Barisan Nasional when they compare the alternative DAP presents. DAP does not really provide voters with a universal alternative to the BN, only parochial.

For decades DAP has tried to wrest power but it was never successful. Instead of doing an honest soul-searching of itself to examine why it always fail, it chooses to blame it on supposedly stupid, racially-motivated voters. What a cop out.

The reason for these dismal failures is simply that DAP can never divorce itself from an opposition party’s demeanour. It criticises for the sake of criticising and makes no attempt to project itself convincingly as a potential ruler for all Malaysians.

Even when given a chance to rule Penang for eight years already and Perak for a short while, it chose to use that opportunity to show that it champions only a certain segment of society to the chagrin of others. Quite apart from that, the transparency it champions is in abeyance.

In fact, it commits some of the same riding-roughshod actions that BN does. One cannot help but conclude that it is taking advantage of the pent-up hatred of DAP followers towards BN to make hay while the sun shines. A honeymoon of sorts.

The fact remains that the same person presided over these defeats. For even longer than twenty-two years and by one man to be specific, Lim Kit Siang. One wonders what it would be like if DAP is run differently by people other than the Lim family. Less than a Ghee Hin and a Hai San perhaps?

Not that DAP hasn’t got some excellent ideas from good people. But LKS has never been able to package them to be attractive and wholesome except maybe to wide-eyed racists who would lap up anything from the chief racist says whose vocabulary is limited to ‘we versus them’

Lucky for the country there are not many of them around. Most DAP supporters are just frustrated that MCA/Gerakan sold themselves short, so they switched loyalties and were cornered into gutter politics. They deserve better.

When you failed so many times at the same thing, could it be that you are not good enough? Or do you feel that you are a godsend to bring salvation that nobody else can? You can show how tricky you are at manipulating frustrations but that doesn’t beat the effects of positive and visionary leadership.

Now that LKS is purportedly teaming up with the worst dictator this country has ever seen, whom he says he doesn’t hate, be assured that even DAP supporters are more than a bit unnerved by it all. Sure they want Najib removed and they will continue to give LKS the benefit of the doubt, but also be assured that there is a limit to the adventurism that they can tolerate.

Just in case it crosses your mind that I should mind my own business, that is precisely why you will never be successful at your federal endeavours and national leadership. It is my business. I am Malaysian, irrespective of ethnic origin. Or do you converse with Chinese only?

