Sarawak Report’s lies and deception

Nawaf Obaid


Nawaf Obaid is the brother of Tarek Obaid, the co-founder of PetroSaudi with Prince Turki Abdullah, the 7th son of King Abdullah and the then Governor of Riyadh.

Nawaf Obaid is a frequent target of Sarawak Report who accuses him of being a useless free-loader and paid agent of Najib “To Wage Black Propaganda Against Anwar”.

Sarawak Report also claims that Nawaf took some of the PetroSaudi money.

Far from it. Public records dating back to 2006 shows that Nawaf was the “private security and energy adviser” of Prince Turki al-Faisal, the then Saudi Ambassador to the USA.

Nawaf Obaid “therefore operated in the shadow world powerful Saudis typically prefer – he was both a D.C. think-tank “expert” and a semi-official functionary.

In 2006, he was “fired” in a move that most people believe is a “wayang play” when the Washington Post published a shocking op-ed column signed by him, titled “Stepping Into Iraq”. Therein, Obaid warned, in aggressive language, that “massive Saudi intervention” in Iraq should the USA leave to prevent Iran from taking over.

Most people believe that the column was a direct warning to the USA by the Saudis not to leave Iraq and leave it to Iran where the power vacuum would cause the region to be destablized and fall into chaos (it did!).

In 2011, in the capacity of Senior Fellow at the King Faisal Center for Research & Islamic Studies based in Riyadh (which people would consider is semi-official govt status), Nawaf Obaid wrote in CNN about the Arab Spring and its chaos and how the Muslim Brotherhood is taking over and that the so-called “Arab Spring” has not brought new life to the Middle East, “but leaderless anarchy, creating a virtual pan-regional movement that is alarmingly dangerous and ultimately unsustainable (which again became true when ISIS was created)”.

He also wrote how the Saudi Government uses its vast resources to steer the Arab world away from anarchy and unrealistic populist movements, and towards steady evolution in a manner that respects each country’s unique culture and history.

He also wrote that Saudi was using its sphere of influence and funds from its “vast resources” from Morocco to Malaysia to help steer the world away from chaos due to the Arab Spring.

Therefore, Nawaf Obaid was not the free-loader which Sarawak Report said he was and that long ago, the Saudis had already openly stated it will use its vast resources to fight the Arab Spring and fight terrorism (which they considered the Muslim Brotherhood to be one of them and that Anwar Ibrahim was part of them).

And Saudi did specifically mention that Malaysia is one of the countries that they are working with to accomplish that.

So, why are you surprised now that Saudi funded Najib and why the Saudi Foreign Minister publicly said that he agreed that Najib committed no wrong-doing in the RM2.6b case?

Is Sarawak Report and WSJ‘s relentless focus on Najib and Malaysia part of the efforts for western countries to uncover how Saudi funds their diplomatic and anti-terrorism initiatives?


