Liberal Muslims being monitored, Parliament told


(The Star) – The Government has called liberal Muslims as deviants, saying it would increase efforts to sway them back to traditional religious beliefs.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of Islamic affairs Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom (pic) said that these liberal groups would also be monitored and may have their publications censored if they try to post on print or electronic media.

In a reply to Nik Abduh Nik Abdul  Aziz (PAS-Pasir Mas), Jamil said that the Government had made its stance clear against liberalism in a 2006 declaration during the 74th National Fatwa Council’s muzakarah (discussion) task force on Malaysian Islamic affairs.

It had labelled that liberal movements contain “understandings which deviate from faith and Syariah”.

“Among these beliefs are holding on to the concept of pluralism, believing that the human mind is a revelation, doubting the authenticity of the Quran, questioning the interpretation of the Quran and Hadith, pushing for new interpretations on the concept of worship, questioning prophetic morals and having their own methods of referring to Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) punishment,” he told Parliament, Thursday.

Jamil said that the Malaysian Islamic Development Department and State Islamic Affairs Department were working together to crackdown on liberal Muslims, by issuing fatwas to “control the spread of deviant beliefs” and holding talks or seminars with such people.

“We will continue monitoring programmes on groups that have deviant beliefs and censor their publications on print and electronic media.

“Religious and enforcement authorities will also increase their cooperation against those with beliefs that are reported to be deviant,” he said.

Nik Abduh had asked the Prime Minister’s Department on how the Government intends to rein in on the rise of “liberal Islam” in the country.
